30-Day Weight Loss Plan

30 day weight loss plan
Are you looking for a 30-day weight loss plan that doesn't include gimmicks, crazy food concoctions, or extreme exercise requirements?

Yeah, I know what that's like.

I know what it's like to need to lose some pounds - and to want to do so quickly.

I know what it's like to have an event coming up and to want to look amazing for it.

I know what it's like to want a simple method for losing weight that includes solid nutrition info and moderate exercise that I can modify as needed.

And I really know what it's like to be completely clueless about where to start. 

There are so many options out there - expensive commercial programs and fitness systems I can't afford once, let alone every month, personal trainers, diet foods delivered to your door, you name it. I've checked them all out.

That's why I love Josh Anderson's 30-Day Weight Loss Lab.  It's an all-in-one weight loss and coaching system that covers having a healthy mindset, eating healthy, and healthy movement.  It's about creating a healthy lifestyle - and 30 days is just the beginning!

With Josh's program, you'll learn:

  • How to light up your metabolism and burn mega calories round the clock.
  • How to lose weight while eating the foods you love!
  • Simple workouts you can do in the comfort of your home - it's like having a personal trainer work with you during the whole 30-day program.
  • How to get your mindset right so you stay motivated and build confidence.
This really is a well-rounded program.  And I love that it's workable for all fitness levels.  You just start where you are and do the best you can.

It's incredibly affordable and the best part is that you pay once and you're done - no subscription or membership fees to worry about.

Then, when your first 30 days are up, you can go through another round, only this time, you're fitter, healthier, and can work a little harder.

So what's included in the program?  Glad you asked!
  • 30 days of high-quality content
  • over 25 workout videos
  • over 30 nutrition videos
  • a program dashboard where you can access your program materials and more
  • nutrition logs
  • special tips
...and that's just a sample of what you get!

So WHY 30 days?

There's power in breaking down BIG goals into manageable chunks.  You can think of it as taking baby steps toward your end goal.

Think about it: isn't it easier to think about the next month as opposed to the next year?  

And you can even take this program one day at a time.

Maybe you have an upcoming event you want to slim down for.  Or maybe you just need to do something to look and feel better than you do now.

Whatever your ultimate goal is, this program can help you get there.  And you know what?  There's a money back guarantee, so if you don't love it, you can get your investment back.  How cool is that?

Bonus "Boosters" to Help You Even More

No matter what program you choose, you can always benefit from a few core principles.  Let me share my tips - maybe you'll see better results!

  1. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water.  This step is an easy one to take.  For example, if you weigh 180 lbs., you'd drink 60 oz. of water; if you weigh 240 lbs., you'd drink 120 oz.  Even if you have to take baby steps to get to this goal, start now and add one extra glass of water in your day.  You can even flavor it up with fresh fruit or zero-calorie drink mixes.
  2. Find calorie-burning activities that you love to do.  I can't stress enough how important it is for you to find and exercise or two that you love.  Then it becomes fun and you're much more likely to do it often.
  3. Get your mind right.  You want to be ready to lose weight, so do your research, make a plan, and take action.  Practice weight loss affirmations and journaling.  It really helps you stay on track.

Don't Wait to Take Action

A month from now, don't be in a place of wishing you had just taken action.  Do it now.  The time is going to pass anyway!

Say yes to good health, good nutrition, and a summer-ready body.  Now is the time to get started.

To learn more about Josh's program, see videos, and read testimonials click here!

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