Flatout Flatbread Pizza Recipe and Review

Flatout Flatbread Pizza Recipe and Review 01

I am a HUGE fan of pizza.  All kinds.  I love Round Table Pizza, I love my local pizza place that has the doughiest dough ever, I love making pizza at home.

But if you are watching your calories and portions, you know that pizza is hardly low-cal and that most of the damage is done by the crust.

Is it worth it?

Sometimes...maybe.  But I like to have pizza pretty regularly.  So I needed to find a swap a.s.a.p!

Thankfully, I found it.  The Holy Grail of pizza swaps!  Go out and get yourself some of this so you can make...

Flatout Flatbread Pizza Recipe and Review 02

...the absolutely-most-incredible-flatbread-pepperoni-pizza-ever!  I LOVE this Flatout flatbread pizza recipe.

Think I'm overselling this?  Think again!  It is GOOD.  Here's how to make it:

  • 1 Flatout Original Flatbread or Pizza Crust **
  • 1/4 C. Tomato Sauce
  • 1/4 C. Low-Fat Mozzarella
  • 1 oz. Turkey Pepperoni

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.  Spray a cookie sheet or pizza pan with cooking spray and bake your flatbread on this for about 2 minutes to crisp it up.  THEN, take it out and layer your toppings - sauce, cheese, turkey pepperoni.  Bake for another 4-5 minutes.  Use a pizza cutter to divide pizza into 6 "slices" and enjoy!

You can eat the whole thing and not sabotage your healthy food plan.  Doesn't it look beautiful?

Flatout Flatbread Pizza Recipe and Review 03

The first time I made this, I used the Italian flatbread and I liked it.  My son tried it and he loved it.

The next time I made it, I used the Original flatbread and it was way better!  I look forward to trying out other toppings with both of these (can you say spinach and artichoke?!?)

Pizza craving CRUSHED!

**Update to say that I now prefer to use the Flatout Pizza Crust instead of the flatbread.  It tastes better, holds up better, and seems more like pizza.  But either way works for me, so try both!
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