An Exercise In Mindfulness for Weight Loss

Have you ever taken the time to really pay attention to how, when, and what you eat?  Think for a minute before you answer.

Often, our busy lives require that we eat quickly or on-the-go and sometimes we don't have a moment to sit down to a meal, let alone savor it.

Is this you?  You're not alone.

But there's been promising information about the power of mindful eating as it relates to weight loss and maintenance.

What is mindfulness, you ask?

It's the practice of paying attention to any given moment.

Try this: look for something in your environment to notice.  This could be your keyboard or your living room couch...anything!  Now breathe in slowly and say to yourself, "I see a green couch" (or whatever it is you're looking at.)

Pay attention and really describe what you're looking at.

Do this with a few things that you can see right now.  Do you notice that you're automatically more aware, more present in this moment?  It happens quite naturally and there's no strain or real effort required. This is not something you want to struggle with.

Now let's apply this to eating.

If you're preparing a meal, take the time to notice what you're preparing.  Pay attention to what the boiling water sounds like or how the food is changing as it cooks in the pan.  Take the time to arrange your food on a plate so that it's pleasing to you.

Once you're sitting down to eat, pause and look at what you're about to eat and see if you notice any thoughts or feelings that come up.  What's going on in your body?  What does your food smell like?

Do this for a few seconds or up to several minutes (yep, minutes!)

What you're doing is slowing down and becoming mindful of everything you're experiencing in this moment.  You see, oftentimes we eat without thinking and don't pay attention to certain important things - like whether or not we even like the food we're eating or what it feels like to be satisfied with less food that we planned to eat.

Can you see how powerful this process can be to help you slow down and naturally reduce your portions?


Can you experiment with this practice for 30 days?

Sure you can!

To start, try it with just one meal a day, whichever meal is easiest for you.  Each day, try to take your mindful eating practice a little deeper.  It might help if you keep a notebook and pen handy so you can journal your experience.

Things you want to pay attention to are:

  • What it was like to prepare your meal
  • If you enjoyed preparing your meal
  • What your food looks like during preparation and on the plate before consumption
  • What your food smells like and if you enjoy the smell
  • What your food tastes like when you hold it on your tongue for a few seconds
  • What your food tastes like when you chew it
  • What it feels like to swallow your food
  • What you're feeling in your body after each bite
  • How long it takes before you no longer want to eat

Here are some tips for your mindful weight loss experiment:
  • Eliminate distractions like books and television
  • Let your family know what you're doing and ask for their support
  • Put your utensils down between bites
  • Take a deep breath between bites
  • Close your eyes at times to focus on other sensations
  • Drink a glass of water before eating and if you choose to have water with your meal, sip, don't gulp

Remember, this is a 30-day experiment, so don't take this too seriously and have fun with it.  Commit to this process for 30 days and see if you experience natural, struggle-free weight loss from your mindfulness practice.  
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