Does Hypnosis Work for Weight Loss?

Does Hypnosis Work for Weight Loss

Lately I've been wondering, "Does hypnosis work for weight loss?"  This is something I've been thinking about for some time.  Could a person be hypnotized into losing weight?  If so, how?  And would it work for everyone?  Would it work for me?

I think hypnosis has gotten a bad rap.  It's kind of been lumped together with "lose weight fast" or GRQ schemes.  When, in fact, it's nothing like these things.

I know hypnosis works because it has worked for me.

Some years ago, I read up on self-hypnosis for weight loss.  This book was life-changing because ONE TECHNIQUE helped me to never eat from a particular fast food place again.  Now, there was nothing unusual about this technique.  In fact, it was really visualization - on steroids.  It was the most vivid visualization I've ever done.  I chose to use it on particular foods from a particular place.

And it worked.  I haven't eaten at this establishment in years.  And I don't miss it.  And even when it smells really good and I think about eating there...I can't.  I simply can't do it.

I know what you're thinking.  "Yeah, right" or "So what?"

Well this was a big deal for me.  Not only did it prevent me from eating crappy food, but it proved that self-hypnosis works!

Did I lose 100 pounds with hypnosis for weight loss?  Sadly, no.  I didn't stick with the entire program.  But what if I had?  What if I had found a program that would eliminate the emotional pain of losing weight while making weight loss...effortless?

The Mental Game of Weight Loss

To lose weight, one must eat well and move more.  We know this.  But there's a mental component.  We must be really ready to lose weight.  We must believe we can.  We must believe in the process.
If we don't, we're setting ourselves up for failure even if we're eating the best diet and exercising daily.
That's why it's a good idea to get your mindset right.  How?  With a program that doesn't require going to the gym or changing your diet right now.  A program that doesn't ask you to give up anything!
A program that will help you relieve stress, cravings, and false hunger!

The Hypnotic Meditation Weight Loss Bliss Pack

What I love about this program is - number one - that it's affordable for any budget.  In fact, you'll pay less for each recording than you would for a comparable CD at retail price.  Second, it takes very little time each day.  About 30 minutes and you're done.  Lastly, we get gentle guidance toward focusing on a healthy body, vibrant energy, freedom from cravings and false hunger, and healthy habits.
This program - combined with an eating and exercise plan that works for you - can change your life.

Who is This Program For?

This program is for you if you're tired of exercising and eating right without seeing results.  It's for you if you're open to it.  This is for you if you want to improve upon the results you're already seeing with diet and exercise.

This program is not for you if you've already decided it wouldn't work.  It's also not for you if you are not willing to commit to following the program in its entirety, devoting time daily to listening to the audios.  

Will Weight Loss Hypnosis Work For Me?

You'll never know unless you try and this is a great program to try out.  If you don't like it?  You have 60 days to receive a refund.  

There's nothing weird about hypnosis - it's simply a means of getting into a receptive state of mind and inputting positive messages that bring about behavioral changes.  

I believe that, as part of a well-rounded program of good food and daily movement, hypnosis will work for you and that this is the program to work with.

Click Here to Purchase

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